does wedding planning have to be this depressing? Why does the industry overwhelm us with their stuff, their requirements, all their assumptions?
When you look at DJ websites, they have a list of things you are supposed to do:
- couples first dance
- father daughter dance
- mother son dance
- garter belt toss
- bouquet toss (a big opportunity to try and irritate all unmarried women in the room under a certain age)
suppose someone's mother couldn't be there for whatever reason? Suppose someone doesn't get along with their father? Anyone whose situation is different is made to feel like a flat out weirdo. You had a wedding, except. . . [insert exception to the rule]. Suppose you want to carry a copy of your favorite poetry book with a single flower attached, instead of a bouquet--could you toss that?
As for bridesmaids--you must have them. How could you not? And you have to have between 6 and 10 of them and they must all dress the same. Or else you won't really be married.
I'm tired. Grumpy. I'm not really feeling this. I'm really feeling an elopement right now.